Social Media Marketing & Management

Get Discovered. Get Connected. Get Involved.

There are nearly five hundred thousand tweets, over thirty million Facebook messages, and about fifty thousand photos shared on Instagram every minute. It’s time for your brand, business, or product to join the conversation. The best part about all these platforms? They’re free (at least initially).

With social media, you’ll be discoverable to a whole new audience. You’ll find out what’s getting people talking and then boost your brand simply by interacting with them. However, utilizing this kind of marketing can be challenging and extremely time-consuming. That’s why Ethos Copywriting is here to help. We’ll form a social media strategy, use streams and analytics to develop a better understanding of your audience, and create an amazing marketing campaign. Let’s sit down, consider your goals, and build you a stronger brand.

Social Media Marketing Elements to Consider

  • Bios, business pages, and profiles

  • Content & images

  • Links

  • Logo

  • Consistency: colors | fonts | voice

  • Hashtags

  • Paid Ads

Goals to Consider

  1. Build a strong interactive community

  2. Increase brand awareness

  3. Build a richer business culture

  4. Convert “likes and shares” to phones calls and conversions

  5. Develop a schedule for posting

  6. Collect data and analyze

Our Strategy

Here at Ethos we like to listen. We do our homework by scouring the web for discussions relevant to your brand, company, or product. We’ll discover your customers’ wants, needs, pain-points, and pleasures. From here, we can make quality social media content that truly resonates with them. When your marketing really connects with your audience, they’ll share it with their respective followers, which, in turn, elevates your brand.

Ethos Copywriting strikes a fine balance within our social media campaigns. While we’re always promoting your product, we also know that these platforms demand a more innovative craftsmanship than most to ensure your audience stays tuned-in to every post. We post information that is valuable to them, highlights your business, and of course, includes a subtle call to action. This kind of social media content builds trust with your audience, demonstrates that you’re an authority in the field, and creates a desire to know more about your company.

Data Collection

Built-in to many of these social media platforms are proprietary data analytics tools. With the information we gather during a campaign, we can see what posts are gaining traction, which stories are resonating with your audience most, and the unique traffic your page is receiving. If your social media goals call for it, we’ll look into “boosting” or paying for ads to garner more action, views, likes, and public interest.

From Social Media to Word of Mouth

Interestingly, successful social media content will convert to word of mouth. You hear it all the time: “I just saw this thing on Facebook,” or  “Did you see that picture on Instagram?” It’s amazing what a strong social media campaign can do for your brand and for your sales.

If you’re looking to build your business, let Ethos Copywriting help you design a creative,  conversion-focused campaign that’s directed to your target audience.